Manhattan Shadow Games
— Shot on various locations on Manhattan.
Times Square in 42nd Street/Broadway
Basketball Court on E 17th Street / 8th Avenue
Corlears Hook Park on FDR Drive / Jackson Street
— Shot on various locations on Manhattan.
Times Square in 42nd Street/Broadway
Basketball Court on E 17th Street / 8th Avenue
Corlears Hook Park on FDR Drive / Jackson Street
Crossing the street right on Times Square and between the skyscrapers. Famous Yellow Cabs are everywhere and the well known American Flag is not to be missed.
Zwischen den Wolkenkratzern am Times Square. Die berümten gelben Taxis und die Amerikanische Flagge dürfen dann nicht fehlen.
One of the locations was a local basketball court right in the middle of Manhattan. That sunny spot between the shaddows was just beautiful .
Einer unserer Shooting-Stationen war ein lokaler Basketball-Platz in der Mitte von Manhatten. Den sonnigen Fleck konnte man nicht ausslassen.
Making full use of the court. The scattered shadows and light is just breathtaking to work with.
Der Platz wird richtig benutzt. Der vertreute Schatten und Sonnenflecken sind wunderschön um damit zu arbeiten.